how our polyamorous clients build thriving relationships

We're Building Extraordinary Relationships in an Ordinary World

Welcome to Touch of Flavor

One belief that lies at the core of everything we do: Our relationships are the most important things in our lives.

The good news is that with the right tools even a relationship that seems hopeless can be transformed into something extraordinary. The bad news is that when you’re polyamorous, or kinky, or just don’t fit into the box society wants to shove you in, good advice is hard to come by.

Since 2008, our mission has been to equip those building relationships outside the box with the tools they need to thrive. 

Our primary focus is helping those in non-monogamous relationships reconnect with their partners, navigate conflict, and overcome jealousy and resentment. One way we do this is by working with couples and groups to create massive changes in their relationships a matter of weeks.

Polyamorous and looking to get started? The first thing you should do is take our free training. Then listen to our podcast episodes on the five biggest lies about polyamory, when it’s time to ask for help, and how to add someone to an existing relationship. We also have specific episodes if you have children or are in a relationship where one partner is polyamorous and the other is monogamous.

Why should you listen to us?

Practical (adjective) - likely to succeed or be effective in real circumstances; feasible


We’re Practical

A past client told us that our motto should be “practical poly advice.” It fits.

One of the biggest failings of the polyamorous community is that most of the “experts” are more concerned with idealism   than results. Your relationships are too important for that shit. You don’t need fluff, you need solutions.


This is who we are

We’re not “poly-friendly” and willing to tolerate you. We’re polyamorous. We (the founders) have lived this lifestyle for the whole of our adult lives, and have been teaching on polyamory for over ten years.


This is what we do

We don’t offer relationship advice on the weekend as a hobby. Helping polyamorous folks transform their relationships is what our team does full time. We have the structure and support in place to transform our clients’ relationships, and the results to prove it.

Our Story

cassie in a poly shirt

Hi! I’m Cassie. My husband and I are the founders of Touch of Flavor. Here’s our story:

Josh and I first met in 2004. It wasn’t love at first sight – in fact, we couldn’t stand each other at first. The second time we met I handcuffed him to a table, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. We got married in 2007, and my brother in law delighted in telling the handcuffing story at our wedding.

I’ve been kinky and poly for most of my life. I realized I was non-monogamous when I was sixteen and fell for a couple. I tried monogamy a few more times but eventually realized that being poly was a part of who I was. When Josh and I started dating, it took me two years to get him into a threesome. We got involved in our first romantic relationship six months later and never looked back.

Josh and I discovered our local kink and poly communities soon after meeting. In 2008 we were invited to teach at a local event. I’ve always loved teaching (I was actually well on my way a degree in elementary education at the time) and we jumped in feet first. Before long we were teaching regularly, I found it so fulfilling that we founded TTB Ventures in 2009 to provide awesome education to kinky and poly folks. (Fun fact: TTB stands for “Ties That Bind”).

Cassie using josh as a tea table

Then Fifty Shades of Gray happened. And love it or hate it, there were suddenly a bunch of people interested in kink who had no easy access to education. So while we continued to teach in the kink and poly communities, we re-branded TTB as Touch of Flavor in 2011 and shifted focus to educating newbies through educational events. It was an absolute blast.

Not only did I get to coordinate conferences (which I love), the main way we promoted these events was to educate the media. I got to zap a radio host in the balls on air, talk to publications like Ozy, Ravishly, and Women’s Health, and generally spread awareness and education to a bunch of people who desperately needed it. 

Cassie and the TOF team do demonstrations at Baltimore Pride
Cassie and the TOF team doing demonstrations at Baltimore Pride
Cassie, Larissia, and Aiden after doing a demonstration and interview for 98 rock in Baltimore
Cassie and team after a demo and interview for 98 Rock in Baltimore
Cassie and students at a panel for MICA College
Cassie and students at a panel for MICA College

It turned out that teaching vanilla people about kink taught me the most important lesson of my life.

Running large events is an incredibly demanding endeavor, and I got sucked in. I was so focused on the work that I started neglecting my relationships. For two years I didn’t give them the time or energy they deserved. Josh and I drifted apart and lost the connection we’d shared the day we met. The time we spent together was full of arguments and resentment. I fell away from my other partners, and even my friends. I was so stressed out about my relationships that everything else in my life started suffering – my sleep, my health, even my business.

Classroom Promotional Asset Picture

I realized that I wasn’t putting my relationships first, and I needed to. Once I made that decision, everything changed. I reconnected with Josh and my other partners. The arguments stopped. My health improved. Touch of Flavor took off. And I understood a truth I’d always known never verbalized: that our relationships are the most important things in our lives. 

I realized this had been what I’d been trying to do with Touch of Flavor all along: help folks build better relationships. But I’d been going about it in a back-assward way. There were a ton of places folks could go to learn about how to give a better blowjob or tie someone up. But there are very few places they can go to get great relationship advice. We made it our mission to equip those building relationships outside the box with the tools they need to thrive. 

Copy of cassie working

Thanks for reading this! Again, if you want to learn more about how to build amazing non-monogamous relationships: 

We ♥️ Our Clients!

Our clients are extraordinary people who put in the time and work to overcome the conflict and challenges in their polyamorous relationships and build something incredible together.

We ♥️ Our Clients!

Our clients are extraordinary people who put in the time and work to overcome the conflict and challenges in their polyamorous relationships and build something incredible together.

"Absolutely Relationship Saving"
Excellent program. Absolutely relationship saving - David
"We Are Super Happy!"
Things are going exceptionally well for us. We are back on board with our future plans for a family. I was SO worried that we would never work it out... but I can't explain to you how much your communication techniques saved our relationship. You are amazing and will no doubt be getting many more recommendations from me! - Kristina
"Forever Thankful"
From start and all the way through, Josh has worked hard with both of us to get us through what seemed the end of our marriage. As they promise, as long as you do the work and stay coachable, they will give you the tools to navigate anything!! - Paul
"I Was So Skeptical"
I was so skeptical at first, but I was desperate! I am so thankful for their patience and help to save my relationship! Much love! - Elizabeth
"If They Can Help Me, They Can Help Anyone"
- Craig