how our polyamorous clients build thriving relationships

#109: Handling the Doubters

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Building an amazing polyamorous relationship is never a walk in the park. But It’s even harder when folks are telling you that you’re doomed to fail.

It may be easy to tune out that kind of gloom from a total stranger. But when it’s coming from family and friends under the guise of loving advice? It can be difficult to know what to do.

What should you take to heart? What should you ignore? How should you respond? And most importantly, how can you stay positive in a world that’s trying to drive you down?

Resources mentioned

Positive Negative Vectors by Vecteezy

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Over the last twelve years, we’ve helped polyamorous clients all over the world overcome their struggles and create thriving relationships. We’re here to answer one question: “How can you build the relationship(s) of your dreams, even if nothing has ever worked before?” If you want to know the answer, subscribe to our show and we’ll see you there.

"Absolutely Relationship Saving"
Excellent program. Absolutely relationship saving - David
"We Are Super Happy!"
Things are going exceptionally well for us. We are back on board with our future plans for a family. I was SO worried that we would never work it out... but I can't explain to you how much your communication techniques saved our relationship. You are amazing and will no doubt be getting many more recommendations from me! - Kristina
"Forever Thankful"
From start and all the way through, Josh has worked hard with both of us to get us through what seemed the end of our marriage. As they promise, as long as you do the work and stay coachable, they will give you the tools to navigate anything!! - Paul
"I Was So Skeptical"
I was so skeptical at first, but I was desperate! I am so thankful for their patience and help to save my relationship! Much love! - Elizabeth
"If They Can Help Me, They Can Help Anyone"
- Craig